LOCATION:  Wolfville   MEMBER TYPE: Affiliate

Acadia University Theatre is a four year program offering two streams of study, Performance and Production. We are dedicated to providing a student environment which features small class sizes, skilled instructors with professional theatre experience and high academic standards.

Acadia Theatre Company presents student productions each year at Lower Denton Hall.


Productions by Acadia Theatre Company:

Ghost are Dancing


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Education through the Arts


Nova Scotia High School Drama Festival


Celebrating Nova Scotia's theatre talent

TNS acknowledges that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People. We recognize the heritage of this land and its people to express gratitude to those who reside here, and to honour the Indigenous people who have lived and worked on this land historically and presently.

Looking for support, have a theatre-related question or a great idea for theatre in Nova Scotia? Get in touch!

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