Merritt Submissions

Theatre organizations seeking to submit a production for consideration must fill out the Submission Form for consideration. Please note:

  • Only productions of professional theatre companies who are members in good standing with Theatre Nova Scotia are eligible.
  • Submissions for consideration must be sent at minimum 6 weeks in advance of the production's opening night.
  • Please review the Rules & Regulations before submitting your production.


Submit your production for the Merritts by filling out the form in a separate window (click here), or fill out the embedded form below.  


Note: This form is for Merritt Submissions only. If you would like your production included on the TNS website, socials, and Onstage Online, please complete the Production Submission Form here.


Education through the Arts


Nova Scotia High School Drama Festival


Celebrating Nova Scotia's theatre talent

TNS acknowledges that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People. We recognize the heritage of this land and its people to express gratitude to those who reside here, and to honour the Indigenous people who have lived and worked on this land historically and presently.

Looking for support, have a theatre-related question or a great idea for theatre in Nova Scotia? Get in touch!

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